
Kihon Sanbon (three step sparring)

Sanbon kumite is the most basic form of sparring
practiced by students in most Karate Schools. It involves two people
working as partners, with one of the partners training attacking and the
other training counterattacking techniques and strategies. The attacking
side moves toward the counterattacking partner while doing exactly the same
technique three times in succession, hence the name. In the most basic form
of sanbon kumite, the specific attacking technique is assigned by the
instructor, and each of the three sequential attacks is initiated by
commands from the instructor. Later, all three of the sequential attacks
are executed independently by the attacking partner. In either case, both
partners know before starting which techniques will be done, and which
target areas are to be struck in a given three attack exchange. The
attacking partner begins by stepping forward from shizentai into a front
stance, downward block(zenkutsu-dachi, gedan-barai) position. The
counterattacking partner awaits the first attack in the shizentai position.
The counterattacking partner generally executes some form of blocking
technique in response to each attack, and responds with a counterattacking
technique only after the third attack is completed.

Ippon (one step sparring)

kumite is also considered a basic or kihon form of sparring. It is
generally introduced when students have been training at least six months
and have achieved the rank of shichi-kyu (7th step of student). Kihon ippon
kumite is quite similar to kihon sanbon kumite except that each
attacking/counter-attacking strategy is executed only once before the
exchange is stopped. Attacks are still initiated from the basic starting
position (zenkutsu-dachi, gedan-barai), and the counterattacking partner awaits
the attack in shizentai. The attacks are generally more varied in ippon
kumite than in sanbon kumite, and the counterattacking partner must respond
with a counterattacking technique after every attack.


Jiyu-Ippon (semi-free sparring) 

kumite is the introduction to freestyle sparring. It is similar to kihon
ippon kumite in that the attacking partner only executes a single attacking
technique or combination in a given exchange, to which the counterattacking
partner must respond by blocking or avoiding and then counterattacking. In
its elementary or introductory form, both partners may also know which
techniques and targets are to be used. This, however, is where the
similarities cease. Both partners begin jiyu-ippon kumite in jiyu-dachi (freestyle
stance), and both may move around at will to achieve more advantageous
positions. In the most advanced form of jiyu-ippon kumite, the only things
known in advance are which of the partners is the attacking side, and that
kumite will be stopped after a single attacking/counter-attacking exchange.

Jiyu (free sparring)

kumite is the most complex and challenging form of two-person sparring. In
this case either partner may attack at any time, using any single or series
of techniques, to any single or series of targets. Exchanges are not
necessarily limited to a single attacking/counter-attacking confrontation,
and the possible combinations of factors including timing, technique,
speed, direction, strategy, etc., make the exchanges infinitely varied.
Jiyu kumite may be introduced to students who have been training for nearly
2 years, and have achieved a rank of at least san-kyu (third step student).
Generally though, jiyu kumite is introduced to students who commit to more
serious and strenuous training by joining a training team.