Doju Kun (Club Oath)

DOJO KUN 1 – Seek perfection of character.


This means that the art of karate is more than just
physical. All     beginners, especially the young should be
taught the importance of character building, discipline, and rigorous training.
An experience that will provide a lifetime of benefit of inner strength and



DOJO KUN 2 – Be faithful


   The faith to be shown is in your sensei and dojo. The student must

   always be faithful
to his sensei and follow in much the same way. A

   medieval samurai was
bound to follow his feudal lord to the dead

   without hesitation.
The studeb=nt must prove his/her loyalty over the

   years. The faith and
loyalty extended to the sensei will be rewarded. In

   that, a great amount
of knowledge and wisdom will be passed onto the

   student and his bond
between sensei and student is extremely valuable

   and is the basis of
the learning relationship.



DOJO KUN 3 –  Endeavor (effort)


    To endeavor means complete dedication and commitment
necessary to

    achieve mastery of the art.



DOJO KUN 4 – Respect others (etiquette)


   Respect for others is an important part of Japanese and Okinawan

   culture therefore common to the martial art. Gichin 
Funakoshi stressed

   that karate begins and ends with etiquette. He also stated that

   courtesy there is no dojo.



DOJO KUN 5 – Refrain from violent behavior (self


   The karate spirit is unbeatable and must use his knowledge only
for sake

   of justice. A person of character can walk away from a fight
because he

   is in control of his emotions and is at peace with himself. He

   without fighting and he will have no regrets because no one will
